Saturday, April 2, 2011

3/2 through 3/27/2011

3/27/11...supposedly tomorrow is D-Day : though a date is not specified in Corie's post (it just says "next week"), "everyone" seems to think it's to be Monday 3/28 - does anyone know for certain the source and/or legitimacy of this info?

the fact that they published in advance (VERY unusual, especially with no advantage to the site in doing so, as there was with Pokey breeding) suggests that there MIGHT be a chance we're looking at a bait-and-switch along the lines of the Sales Tax (10>50>25) episode...not that even a modified version of what they are planning is all that acceptable - but just in case, we are strongly recommending that anyone, especially member shelters, who wishes to lock their pets' prices at the current minimum put them on private sale for that amount TODAY. (as private sales can't be randomly accessed, the pets will be protected - you can always check Public later if necessary)

if they do retain member pet sales (and it seems to us that removing something that integral to the site coding would be incredibly difficult), the minimum may well be equal to or greater than whatever the new price for Premiums is going to be - certainly well over $100. they may be counting on relief at not having sales shut down altogether to make a ridiculous minimum more acceptable.

they might even put a cap on maximum price - they've bellyached about "profiteering" enough, guess they want to be the only ones entitled to - but as in the long run the higher the price, the more cash in FooMojo's pocket, we rather doubt they will.

as far as items go, no one in their right mind is Foo-lish enough to take a half-price "refund" instead of just leaving the stuff in Inventory, we hope...

batten your hatches and get the wagons in a looks like it's going to be a bumpy night.

3/25/11...well. April Fools indeed - and we the fools, it appears.
we were right about overlooking something...but not what. go look at Corie's latest Forum gem - then (when you can stop swearing) go over to WordPress OperationLifeboat, right : we don't have the heart to go through it twice.
what a horrible fate for a site that started out so wonderfully...

3/22/11...yep, we were overlooking something, all right - have you seen the latest EAB1 gem in Announcements? Go take a look...then help yourself to one of these. clicking the image will take you to a selection of sizes and a download you can use for a profile pic. (and anyone reading this is considered an honorary adult, REGARDLESS of your calendar age, lol)
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Photobucket ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Photobucket ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

3/21/11...interesting. we had recently put up a Suggestion - which refused to come up for ANY seacrh terms whatever - to "stack" inventory items to reduce clutter and facilitate location of a particular item or group...and lo and behold, one can now "search" their inventory under various criteria... and it even works! (we tried it).
the other part of the Suggestion, pertaining to being able to edit or delete accepted gift listings - and their accompanying messages, should we not want them part of the permanent record - apparently met with less approval...
still, it does appear to be a member-oriented "improvement", without obvious collateral benefit to Mojo - or are we overlooking something?
(yes, still cynical and suspicious...)

* - a more general assessment of the recent changes can be found in OperationLifeboat on WordPress, clickable right.

3/10/11...oh my freakin word - what did they DO?!? i came back from working on the March event pages, and found myself in CandyLand. this is ghastly. guess I won't be stepping out of too much anymore.
... i guess they really ARE turning it into a nursery. unbelievable. guess they don't realise that youngsters like to be treated like infants even less than adults do...and there are a host of other unpleasant surprises here and there (more later as things settle down).

3/6/11...the new Pet Sams seem to be visiting anywhere from 60 hours (2 1/2 days) to 120 hours (5 days) apart, with no clear pattern as yet.
on the negative side (assuming this remains a positive), the "improved" hand with petting, in its Mickey Mouse glove, appears to be deteriorating even further and interfering with pet response. (sigh) Mojo - it's a no-go...PLEASE get rid of it, it makes playing with the pets LESS lifelike, not more.

3/4/11...the dust is beginning to settle from our latest "improvement" here on FooPets, and while the jury is still way out as to whether it will make anything better (and as to the site's REAL motives in doing it...), it must be noted that this is the first change in a while that doesn't directly penalize members, one way or another.

the new "kinder, gentler" Pet Samaritans are already in place - no longer friended with the FooShelter, interestingly - and whether it is simply a way to try to deal with FooShelter overcrowding, or just a poorly thought out attempt to be nice, it still seems to represent an attempt to do something FOR the membership rather than TO them...we hope.

since the Sams - unless they do extensive recoding, which we don't see as likely - tend only every 5 days or so, and do not pet or play with the animals, the purpose of - and need for - fostering remains the same, though.

we do note that in the latest FooPetter, the FooCrew seem to be addressing themselves exclusively to underage members...not a good sign.
word has it that there are to be changes in the Forum formatting as well - those ought to prove even MORE interesting.

3/2/11...The March lion roared yesterday, and announced an end to pets being foosheltered if uncared for. Still mulling over the implications - and there are a LOT - but hoping that the intentions, at least, are good. So far, they have conceded on both flea meds and the short-lived attempt at raising food prices...we'll see what comes next.